Saturday, 8 December 2012

Bandung Dec 2012

Went for a short trip to Bandung and met up with Jeffrey and a couple of hobbyist in Bandung, had a great time and many thanks to Jeffrey for taking the time to show me around. He is a great guy and also  many nice plants. Hope to visit soon and also a shout out to Ah Gus, had a nice chat and hope to see you soon.

Lunch on the last day with Jeffrey, local satay, slightly different from Singapore but just as great.

Some shops that we visited, pity we missed the boss of Ever Green, maybe next time.

Tanks of some of the local hobbyist and collectors. Will likely make a visit again soon and hope to catch up with you guys soon.

Sunday, 18 November 2012

Crypt. Nurii ( Bintan)

A friend of mine collected these in Bintan, hope to visit him soon and see them in the wild.

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Taiwan Trip

Made a trip to Taiwan and visited the Taiwan show and met a couple of very nice people, Mr Yan and Mr Yu, hope to be back soon and maybe see them in Singapore so that I can bring them around and repay their hospitality.

Thursday, 1 November 2012

Anubias StarDust.

After having them for a couple of weeks in the tank, they are doing fine and hope to propagate enough of them to transfer it to the farm.

New Products

Had a weird idea of having some foreground growing on a ball and this is the end result. They will fit nicely when they are planted into the substrate.

Mini US Fissiden on Rock

Finally had a chance to drop this US Fissiden on Rock into my tank to snap a photo.

Sorry for the bad photo, will try and take a better next time.

Saturday, 27 October 2012

Trip to Bogor(again)

Made a trip to Bogor for 1 day and was tired after the trip but it was a fruitful trip.

 Lunch at KFC.

 Natural underwater, nice and cold.
 Rotala sp, found near the underwater spring.

On the way back to Jakarta to catch the plane back home.

Saturday, 13 October 2012

Visit to Bogor

Visited an aquatic farm in Bogor and would like to say that it would be nice to have the same modern facilities in my farm. Well done and let's keep the industry going.

New Anubias Received

I recently received a couple of plants from Indo, thanks to Jeffrey. Hope that they are able to do well in my tank and at a later stage, in the farm.

Sunday, 23 September 2012

Hydropiper Submersed

Managed to save some of the Elatine Hydropiper that I got from Ingo and these are all that is growing.